Effective results from the recruitment program “Khanh Viet Calls upon Khanh Hoa’s Talents”

Apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized

The development of a company depends on many different conditions and factors however human resource is a main and most important one. The other material factors such as machinery, facilities, finance … will become useless without human hands and minds. Therefore, human resource is more important than any other internal resource of a company. Because of this reason, companies always place first emphasis on human resource maintenance and development and consider it as a most valuable asset. How can we have a human resource with enough quantity and quality? The most effective solution is to improve the recruitment work to look for candidates suited for jobs and companies’ culture. 

Recognizing the importance of the recruitment, so far, Khanh Viet Corporation always pays great attention to recruitment and considers this work the most important duty. The annual recruitment program “Khanh Viet Call Upon Khanh Hoa Talents” has been designed specially for Khanh Hoa’s young people who have high capacity and much experience in professional skills and management and are excellent students who are studying in Ho Chi Minh City as well as other provinces and want to come back home for work.

The name of this program “Khanh Viet Call Upon Khanh Hoa Talents” already conveys its purpose. All the candidates have been very proud to participate in it. With two vacancies for manager and professional staff, it is enough flexible for candidates to choose.  The process of selecting candidates has been done very carefully. The candidates have had to do knowledge tests, be interviewed and checked the skills  … The recruitment results have been announced publicly and transparently.  The applications are selected periodically in March and June annually. Besides this scheme, Khatoco continues to receive the applications for inviting “outstanding people” to come for work.

This program started officially from April, 2016 and has received thousands of applications from candidates. In which, a large number of candidates are studying and working in Ho Chi Minh City.This program not only has attracted many candidates but also publicized widely Khanh Viet Corporation. More and more people know about Khanh Viet Corporation as a multi business corporation having good working environment and being very active in social activities. Annually, together with the recruitment program, Khanh Viet Corporation also  organizes the scholarship program for more than 100 students and job fair in Ho Chi Minh City attracting more than 600 students to visit its booth.

Up to now, this recruitment program has been implemented for four years. Khanh Viet Corporation has been recruiting many high qualified candidates. They are now working at its head office and subsidiary companies. They have been approving their high capability. Many candidates have been trusted and appointed to keep managerial positions.

Mr. Tran Van Ky, Master of Business Administration from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, participated in this program in 2017. He is working at Planning Department of Khanh Viet Corporation now.  

Mr. Phan Duy Lap (person on the right), Master of Economic Development from Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics – Vietnam. He has attended Vietnam-Netherlands Training Program (UEH-ISS) and participated in this program in 2017. He is the Deputy Manager of Human Resource and Administration Dept. of Khatoco Trading Co., Ltd. now. And Mr. Do Nguyen Ha Son (person on the left), Bachelor of Business Administration from FPT Greenwich University, participated in this program in 2017. He is the Deputy Manager of Marketing Dept. of Khatoco Trading Co., Ltd. now.   

Ms. Pham Thi Tuyet, Bachelor of Human Resource Management from National Academy of Public Administration at Ho Chi Minh City, participated in this program in 2017. Now, she is working at Human Resource Administration Dept. of Khatoco Garment Enterprise .  

Continuously maintaining and improving the program “Khanh Viet Call Upon Khanh Hoa’s Talents” is the important duty to build the human resource. Step by step, Khanh Viet Corporation is improving and perfecting the recruitment work in order that the human resouce can meet the requirement of business objectives and strategies in the coming time. Additionally, Khanh Viet Corporation always focuses on training the young generation to succeed the work and building the good working environment as well as creating favorable conditions for all the employees to develop the spirit of ownership and want to attach to the company for long time. 

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