For many persons and many businesses, 5S is not a new concept. 5S is a management methodology, aiming at improving the working environment and originates from Japan. 5S is five first letters of 5 Japanese words and 5 English equivalent words: Seiri – Sorting out, Seiton – Storage, Seiso – Shining the work place, Seiketsu – Setting standards, Shitsuke – Sticking to the rule.
The benefits of 5S are to build the green and clean working environment and to create the habits of setting up standards for the neat and clean workplace so that verybody easily accesses everything when needed. So the workers feel comfortable, working more efficiently and avoiding mistakes. The production machinery and equipment operate in the environment in accordance with safety standards …

Mr. Nguyen Dao Duy Tai (wearing white shirt, standing in the middle) had the photo taken with the trainees of 5S training course at the head office of Khanh Viet Corporation
So far, Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) has organized many 5S training courses. The 5S movement has been being implemented in many Khatoco’s organizations. However, to implement 5S movement regularly, frequently and continuously, the fifth step of 5S methodology – Sticking to the rule must be attained. This principle is to create working people’s habits of self discipline, to maintain and to comply with the established standards of the businesses at the work place so that everything is always ready for production and business.
For above purpose, Khanh Viet Corporation invited Mr. Nguyen Dao Duy Tai to teach 5S methodology to Khatoco’s staff. Mr. Tai is a consultant in building quality management systems such as ISO, HACCP, GMP-WHO, Global GAP, TPM, LEAN … This 5S training course was held in 3 organizations during 3 days of 12, 13 and 14/07/2018.

The workers of Ninh Hoa Ostrich Breeding Center cleaned their work place
At the head office of Khanh Viet Corporation, Mr. Tai taught the theory of 5S methodology to the group of 22 trainees. They practiced 5S principles at the Administration – Human Resource Dept. and the archive of the Corporation. The trainees were instructed how to organize the work place, to store documents and records for saving time to look for. As a result of that, the image of a professional head office is built and improved.
The 5S training course organized at Khatoco Ninh Hoa Ostrich Breeding Center had 20 trainees from this Center and 10 trainees from Khanh Tan Joint Stock Company. For livestock companies, 5S methodology is extremely important to maintain the clean, sanitary working environment and to ensure food safety and hygiene. Implementing 5S will remind workers of cleaning their working area and removing any trash frequently.
Khatoco Tobacco Leaf Company organized 5S training course for all the employees. With humorous and funny way of teaching, Mr. Tai made the 5S methodology becoming very familiar, easy to understand and to acquire by the working people.

More than 200 employees of the Khatoco Tobacco Leaf Company attended “5S training course”
Summing up the 5S training courses, the representatives of the organizations’ leaders promised that 5S principles would be implemented and maintained at their organizations with great effort for building the green, clean and friendly working environment to increase labor productivity and work quality.