Continuing to perform a series of training programs “Khatoco’s Digital Transformation”, on 7 – 8 April, 2022, Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) coordinated with Top Olympia Business School to organize a training course in “Business Administration in the 4.0 era – Business Digital transformation” for 59 trainees.

The training course “Business Administration in the 4.0 era – Digital Transformation of Business”
Business administration in the 4.0 era is the awareness of trendy changes and the access to new appropriate technologies in order to apply them in the business administration to maintain and develop businesses, including considering, creating systems and processes to optimize the ” efficiency” and “business operational effectiveness ” by thinking processes and decisions of business leaders. The kills in approaching, evaluating and applying technologies in business administration will help the trainees access easily and understand deeply all the necessary fields, the importance of science and technology and recognize that digital transformation will completely change the model and methods of production and business.
In order to “to gain a head start by taking a shortcut” in catching the opportunities made by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on September 27, 2019, the Central Committee issued the Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW regarding a number of guidelines and policies on active participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and emphasis on the urgency of digital transformation. On that basis, on June 3, 2020, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No 749/QD-TTg approving the national digital transformation program by 2025 and vision towards 2030. At the national level, digital transformation is the digital transformation in government, economy and society of the country. At the local level, digital transformation is the digital transformation in Government, economy and society of each locality.

Trainees attend the training course
Through the training course, trainees have been provided the necessary knowledge and skills in digital transformation from theoretical basis, strategic thinking, strategic implementation to digital transformation planning.
For businesses, participating in digital economy is promoting digital transformation in businesses and applying achievements of the fourth technological revolution to the production and business including digital infrastructure; 4G, 5G mobile networks, smartphone, cloud computing, data integration, open data, data analysis, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), digital ecosystem for equipment and machines (IoE), electronic identification and authentication, comprehensive business administration based on digital platform (ERP), e-commerce … to increase the productivity and efficiency of production and business and to avoid being left behind by keeping outdated technologies.

Trainees are doing group exercises.

Trainees are presenting the group exercises and receiving feedback from the lecturer.